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The rapid syphilis test is a safe, reliable and accurate self-testing kit with blood. It can detect syphilis infection in just 15 minutes.

Syphilis is a disease transmitted by Treponema pallidum. After the infection, there will be an incubation period of about 10-90 days.

The initial symptoms include painless, round ulcers on the penis and vagina, also known as "hard chancre".

Check early and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Since chlamydia is transmitted through sexual contact, people who have had sexual contact in the past 6 months should also be checked.

Syphilis (Home Rapid Test)

HK$990.00 Regular Price
HK$150.00Sale Price
  • •Test device



    •Alcohol Pad




    You must read the package instructions carefully before use,and you must follow the package instructions.

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